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Company Overview

Welcome to Black Ink Tech, where we have built a legacy on truth, innovation, and unwavering commitment to upholding digital integrity. Let us take you on a journey through our story, mission, and our patented solutions that define us as industry pioneers.

Who We Are

At Black Ink Tech, we are more than just a technology company; we are the guardians of digital truth. Our mission is simple yet profound: to ensure that every digital interaction, transaction, and identity remains unassailable in terms of accuracy, reliability, and transparency. 


At Black Ink Tech, we provide businesses with comprehensive end-to-end solutions designed to enhance efficiency, minimize friction, and optimize value. Through our multi-patented integrated hardware and software platform, we seamlessly link and verifiably connect physical world objects, services, and events to a functional digital equivalent, bridging the gap between the physical and digital worlds.

Black Ink Tech stands at the forefront of innovation, backed by an impressive portfolio of patented solutions and intellectual property. Black Ink Tech filed its first patent in 2019, published in 2020, and has since secured exclusive licenses for 13 patents. These patents cover innovations such as linking physical objects and events to digital tokens and the utilization of smart contracts. Additionally, Black Ink Tech has over 20 patents currently awaiting approval. 

Possessing exclusive rights to these patents establishes Black Ink Tech as a leader in the implementation of Web 3.0 technology bringing transparency and automation to virtually any industry. Learn more about our patents here.

Patent Powerhouse

In an era marked by the rapid evolution of the digital landscape, the importance of data integrity, digital identities, and transactions have never been more critical. 


Black Ink Tech is committed to shaping the future of data integrity by the principle of zero-trust, where we prioritize asset quality and transparency above all. We believe that the foundation of trust should be based on verifiable facts rather than blind faith. Through our cutting-edge solutions, we empower individuals and organizations to navigate the digital realm with confidence and usher the industry into a new era of digital transparency. Our unyielding dedication to this mission is the driving force that propels us forward each and every day.


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